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La Biblioteca de adaugat la finalul textului existent : Materialele bibliografice se consulta numai la sediul Asociatiei
Estelle Weinrieb – Images of the Self, The Sandplay Therapy Process IN CURAND
Dora M. Kalff – Sandplay, A Psychotherapeutic Approach to The Psyche
Kate Amatruda, Phoenix Helm Simpson – Sandplay, The Sacred Healing IN CURAND
Harriet S. Friedman, Rie Rogers Mitchell – Sandplay, Past, Present, Future
Kay Bradway, Lucia Chambers, Maria Ellen Chiaia – Sandplay in Three Voices
Mary Jane Markell – Sand, Water, Silence, The Embodiment of Spirit
Harriet S. Friedman, Rie Rogers Mitchell – Supervision of Sandplay Therapy
Kay Bradway, Barbara McCoard – Sandplay, Silent workshop of the psyche
Dora M. Kalff – Sandplay (traducere in limba romana)
Barbara A.Turner – Handbook of Sandplay Therapy
Paula Petrovic – Sand Play for the Soul IN CURAND
Barbara Turner – Sandplay and Storytelling IN CURAND
Barbara Labovitz, Anne Goodwin – A step by step Manual of Sandplay for therapist of diverse orientations IN CURAND
Grace Hong – Sandplay Therapy, Research and Practice IN CURAND
Dora M. Kalff – Sandplay (traducere in limba romana)
Lois Carrey – Sandplay Therapy with Children and families IN CURAND